Thursday, July 16, 2009

Kids Are Annoying

Some people who don't want kids will cheerfully tell you they adore kids, they just don't want any of their own. I am not in that camp. I don't enjoy being around kids or babies at all. They're loud, they're irritating, and they're messy.

Case in point: My husband and I were in the supermarket last night picking up a few things, and in front of us stood a couple with their toddler in a stroller. The check-out line was long and it was the only one open, so there we stood. This toddler did not stop making shrill shrieking sounds the entire time we stood in line. The parents seemed oblivious to their "little angel's" noise pollution. I guess they are used to it.

Which is worse? Being the parent unwittingly imposing your obnoxious spawn on the unsuspecting public trying to buy their groceries in peace because you've gone deaf to baby's incessant screaming, or being fully aware of how irritating junior's shrieks are and having the attitude that if you have to suffer so should everyone else?

1 comment:

  1. I do like clean, sleeping babies who are related to me or one of my good friends. It kind of ends there. And my number one pet peeve when it comes to children are parents who think it is their right to let their kids be as loud, messy, and generally annoying as they want to be, as if telling them to behave would somehow crush their spirits and turn them into depressives or something. Hey, better than turning them into self-entitled assholes who will perpetuate the family selfishness.
