Wednesday, July 1, 2009

This is why I don't have a kid

I've never wanted to have kids. Throughout my teens and twenties everyone smugly insisted I'd change my mind when I got older or met the right man. I'm well into my 30s now, happily married and I STILL DON'T WANT TO HAVE A KID! (My husband doesn't want kids either.)

As for parents, I have never told anyone "you'll change your mind once the kid gets here". I've never said you'll regret it because you'll miss out on sleeping in, adults only romantic getaways, the additional disposable income. I recognize that we all have our own wants and definitions of happiness. No kids is my definition of happiness.

This isn't meant as a judgment of people who have kids. There are lots of other life choices that don't interest me along with parenthood. I have no interest in sky diving, touring the world eating bugs like Andrew Zimmern, devoting my life to the church. The list of ways I don't want to spend my time is long, yet this is the choice I get criticized about the most and judged for the most. I take parents at their word when they tell me the sacrifices of parenthood are worth it to them.

Since no one takes me at my word when I say I find nothing appealing about having kids. I'm compiling this blog to explain why.

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