Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Parents Can Be as Bratty as Their Kids

Kids can be total brats. I've seen them thrashing about and screaming in Target because they didn't get a toy they wanted. I've seen them rudely comment on a stranger's limp while out in public. I certainly personally experienced them acting like rotten little bullies back when I was a kid. I can't entirely blame the kids though. Bad kids don't just happen, they are a product of bad parenting. The bad news is once you have kids you're going to be forced to interact with some really bratty parents.

Currently, when I meet bratty adults I usually have the option to avoid them. I don't have to put up with their bullshit because my kid doesn't want to go to their kid's sleepover and my kid is not on their kid's little league team. Sure I run into the occasional grown up behaving badly at the store or a bar, but I can just leave. I don't have ties to these people. Once you have kids, you're in for many years of hanging around with other parents.

Just how badly behaved are today's parents? Have a look at this article about the disturbing modern trend in parenting, wherein the child's self-esteem is paramount and good manners are of little concern.

I have no desire to attend Mommy and Me with some bitch who refuses to teach her child to share. I don't want to enjoy an afternoon coffee with anyone who thinks it is remotely acceptable for her child to deliberately trip people in restaurants. I dislike bratty adults but what's worse is watching them create demonic mini-mes right before your eyes. I'd rather hide out in my child and parent-free bubble avoiding this problem altogether.

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